South Western Railway
Connecting people in Karnataka. This South Western Railway (SWR) line connects Gangavati to Raichur in the state of Karnataka. The erosion control scheme was proposed to arrest erosion of soil from the cutting side slopes above the rail track.
- Reduced surface erosion eliminating rain cut and soil erosion on slope surface
- Prevent clogging of side drains holding soil in place on the slope face
- Easy installation helping rapid construction
The rail track was laid below the general ground level by excavating the upper soils in the area. Thus, the side slopes were steep and prone to erosion due to rainfall. The client was required to maintain and clear the side drains regularly during the monsoon season to ensure smooth functioning of rail services.
A Tensar representative visited the location to study the site conditions and develop the scheme. Erosion of the cutting slopes was being caused by rain splash and surface runoff. Tensar proposed using erosion blanket on the side slopes to ensure effective erosion control. Considering the steep slope angle and soil conditions in the area, Tensar proposed a composite erosion control blanket comprising a 650gm/m2 coir blanket combined with double PP (polypropylene) netting (19mm x 19mm opening) with both sides stitched with black PP thread. This ensures that the vegetation roots are supported even after the coir becomes degraded in due course of time. The coir blanket with PP netting ensures that the slope surface is protected from erosion and any detached soil particles are captured and prevented from being washed into surface drains along the track.